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Working remotely & Mental Health

by Mahmoud Kaj


Some recent studies have shown that employees feel more productive when working remotely. The matter is about achieving a life-work balance which leads to higher job satisfaction and more employees staying longer in the organization. 

Working remotely can have positive impact on the mental health of all staff as well as creating some challenges. It’s the responsibility of the leader to set the proper policies that guarantee effective communication while working remotely between all staff, to choose the right tools to achieve such synergy in the organization through delegation of tasks and motivation of employees. 

Positive impact of working remotely 

Working remotely serves employees who experience anxiety, rising from the traditional setting of the office. The employees working on-site should conform to the organizational culture and moreover, can be distracted at work by his/her colleagues’ small talk every now and then. Therefore, working remotely serves the employee, especially employees with an introverted personality, by not getting overwhelmed to conform to the organizational culture & body language expectations. It can help them to focus better and achieve more with less time needed. 

In working remotely, virtual meetings have a positive impact on an introverted employee’s mental health as it removes barriers such as body language and posture. In addition, it helps the employee to express his/her view through discussions online without feeling to conform to social norms. This environment is more inclusive and accessible, benefiting both individuals and organizations alike. Working remotely allows a wider scope of communication with a diverse group of adepts in different fields all around the globe that helps the organization to increase productivity and enhance product or service quality, by being more innovative and efficient at work. 

Challenges of working remotely 

  However, there are some challenges that the employee and the organization face when working remotely. Loneliness can occur as some employees depend on others to feel motivated and productive. Some find it hard to draw a vivid line between personal life and work and therefore end-up in feeling they are working all the time. Juggling between life and work may seem for them not being present giving their best in both. They become demotivated therefore, and can negatively influence their productivity’s quality and quantity, less output and a less satisfied customer leading to less sales and profit for the organization. 

Conclusion and Tips 

When it comes to employees working remotely, a culture should be created in the organization that supports their mental well-being. Communication between the employer and employee can be effective with respect from both sides and appreciation when quality work is executed. In Addition, positive feed-back on good work and effort that motivates the employee and therefore enhance productivity. A satisfied employee working remotely will give his/her best at work and therefore have an immense effect on the Organization’s brand and reputation in the market which helps the business to thrive. 

Some tips on establishing an effective culture that leads to success of an organization working remotely: 

Tip 1: Setting the right policies 

Setting policies by the employer like expectations for working hours, availability, Communication protocols, performance metrics clarifies all aspects of the employee’s job, helps him/her settle down as boundaries can be better set between personal life and working hours. This allows a feeling of satisfaction and stability in terms of the employee and better overall productivity. 

  Today many organizations, especially startups, are working remotely. This saves them money as no office space is required. It allows many employees to experience flexibility and mental well-being at work thus becoming more productive and attached to their company. 

 Tip 2: Using the right communication tools effectively 

With today’s technologies it is easy to communicate internally, at an organizational level and externally with customers. More employees with distinctive skills and knowledge should be reached to work with, therefore improving the output both quantitively and qualitatively. And there is a higher tendency for the organization to make more profit, become more innovative and expand globally.  Using the relevant technologies and always being up-to date on working remotely tools including AI tools with the right policies of working remotely, communicating effectively within the organization and positive feedback when the goals are reached will motivate the employee and satisfy the employer. 


Better communication and output make the employer more satisfied as goals and the organization’s mission is reached. Working remotely will help the employer to gain access to a diverse unlimited pool of expertise and skills globally, therefore producing the best product or service it can output for a satisfied customer. It saves the employer many costs such as paying for office space and devices like computers and running departments like an IT department so it can spend them instead on product/service quality and generate higher profit and growth. 

As for the employee, it gives him/her freedom to manage their time and tasks. With effective communication, delegation and motivation from the employer, the employee will be highly satisfied and would give their best. The challenge remains if the employee can’t draw a vivid line between work and personal life, therefore can’t feel stable or settled down to give each part their right and use the tools of working remotely effectively after undergoing necessary training on using these tools if required. Satisfied employers and motivated employees will eventually lead the business to thrive by working under a clear vision and achieving the organization’s goals. Good mental health of both employers and employees plays a vital main role in achieving success at both individual and business level. 

Mahmoud R. Kaj – MBA



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