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by Admin

BlogsBunny apply a ranking algorithm to blogs and articles based on: readability, positive and negative votes, website reputation, grammar, spelling and much more

Blogs bunny is a content sharing platform designed for bloggers and media outlets to gain user engagement from high quality articles through our own ranking and machine learning algorithms.

The secondary goal is to ensure that only good quality, well written blogs/articles will feature prominently, with additional deciding factors applying other than the traditional up and down voting system. These factors will be:

  • Grammar/Spell Checker – 1/20
  • Plagiarism Checker – 1/20
  • Plus/Minus Votes (based on a heat metric) – 1/20
  • Website Reputation – 1/20
  • Readability – 1/20

The relevance to bunnies is the notion of “disappearing down a rabbit hole”, which in this case is Categories (Warrens), Sub-categories (Burrows) and sub-sub-categories (Rabbit Holes).

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